Your skills, talents and time are very valuable to the helping us achieve our peace goals.

World Peace Diplomate serve their community and the world by being a leader and messenger of Peace. World Peace Diplomate are Resident Peace Experts of their community and can be relied upon by local and international media to speak expertly and compassionately with sensitivity to all sides in the subjects of war and conflict and the need for greater mutual understanding. World Peace Diplomate are confident and understand the authority they have within the human community and use that authority to unlock the most powerful doors in the world for the cause of peace. World Peace Diplomate are free and autonomous without mandates, they do what they do because they care. World Peace Diplomate work independently and collectively with the world office to extend their impact.

World Peace Tracts have effectively beaten a weapon of war into a tool for peace by developing peace tracts to build peace through understanding between conflicting parties, these touching and true stories cut through the hate rhetoric and work to counteract hate propaganda that is a regular feature of war and conflict since the beginning of time. Peace Messages in the form of short stories with lots of drawings has proven very effective over the years and is most recently used by the US military in Afghanistan.

These short illustrated stories are taken from real life events where one conflicting side helped or in some cases saved the life of someone they are in conflict with.These short messages are designed for all ages and are quickly read and passed on many times before being discarded..

    CHAIRMAN GOVERNING COUNCIL - should be financially able to support the NGODIRECTOR GOVERNING COUNCIL- Must have Entrepreneur and Executive experienceSECRETARY GOVERNING COUNCIL- Must be a registered lawyerTREASURER GOVERNING COUNCIL- Should accounting skillsMEDIA SPOKESPERSON GOVERNING COUNCIL Must have media experienceWPA AMBASSADOR RELATIONS DIRECTOR - Keep in communication with WPA keep them engaged, develop culture, send holiday cards etc.NGO and GOV. RELATIONS DIRECTOR Establish partnerships and teaming agreements to secure grants, contracts, or sub-contracts with prime contractors or grantees and/or with Government and Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s) to secure government funding;BUSINESS AFFAIRS DIRECTOR Build and maintain an active pipeline of prospects, in keeping with revenue targets. Develop leads on promising funding opportunities by initiating outreach and strengthening relationships with current and potential donors, as required.RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS DIRECTOR Maintain a database of coordinate relations with all faithsCELEBRITY AND INFLUENCER RELATIONS Maintain a database of coordinate relations withCOMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Maintain control of and create overall communications strategy and keeping with WPT guidelinesGRANT WRITERS experienced writers to research and write grants, maintain a calendar of Donor opportunitiesSTRATEGIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR = Coordinate all Diplomatic activities with Ambassadors and WPTWEBSITE MANAGER - Wordpress proficient webmaster requiredSOCIAL MEDIA PAGES MANGER Create build grow and manage social media pagesNEWSLETTER AND CONTENT WRITER - monthly newsletter is needed for the Ambassadors and other MembersCONFLICT RESEARCH TEAM Work with the strategic affairs director on conflict priorities to researchFUNDRAISING DEVELOPMENT Entrepreneurs for business development projects. Build commercial funding streams and other methods to raise funds for the organization.I want to Volunteer my company or NGO to support you